/Due Regard Consulting is pleased to again support the Consulate of Canada at this Year’s AFCEA West. Seven Canadian companies and the University of British Columbia will be introduced into the San Diego Government Contracting Waterfront. President/CEO Dave Grundies is honored to have the following on his team for this endeavor: Captain Jerry Blanton, USN (Ret.), Captain Bud Jewett, USN (Ret.), and Commander Ed Riley, USN (Ret.).
The seven Canadian companies participating are:
Avalon Holographics, InterTalk Critical Information Systems, LTI Software and Engineering, Nano-Lit Technologies, Racerocks 3D, Thermodyne Engineering Ltd, Ultra Electronics TCS
The companies and university offer human centric lighting, qualification testing, software engineering, control fitted systems, tactical radio systems, technology-enabled learning, true 3D holographic/light field displays, and advanced academic degrees.
Representatives are attending to interface with Defense Prime Contractors and SPAWAR.
Come visit us at Booth 1951 and introduce yourself to the Canadians.